My kids are taking about going to school, not sure how that is going to look as of yet, but either way school will start in some fashion. So we decided to get our crafty on and make some apples of the crafty variety!
This post also contains affiliate links and I will be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on my links. Various companies provided me with some product to create this project. The opinions I share are solely my own.

Check out how to make these cute apples in the short video tutorial.
I started out with some craft sticks, school glue, felt, and some die cut pieces to make the seeds and the circles.

Next I cut out the felt to make the seeds in black, circles for the apples in the green, red, and yellow, and the leaves in the two colors of green and placed all my supplies the Deflecto Tilt Bins to help keep all the supplies organized. I have the glue in one section, craft sticks, in a second, felt circles in a third, and in the last are the leaves, seeds, and stems.

The kids can pick out the number of craft sticks they want for their apple, anywhere from 3-6 makes for great apples!

Then the kids pick out their the size of of the felt circles (small or large), cut the circle in half and also cut out the scallops, or leave them whole - totally up to the creator! Then it is all just about gluing it all together. Keeping everything organized in the Deflecto Tilt bins makes it so easy for them to find their supplies!

Last glue on your seeds, stem, and leaf to complete your apple.

What fun back to school craft will you make?
Interested in the supplies I used in this project? Most are listed below and some are affiliate links, which generates a me little commission (at not extra cost to you at all) when you click on the link and make a purchase.